
For each field has list fields required and optinal, on this table bellow

Name Type Description Required
text string Field type text, ex: field username Yes
name string Attribute name of field Yes
id string Attribute id of field Yes
classes array List classes for field classes: ["form-control", "...", ...etc] No
value any Attribute value of field to give default value No
label string Label of field No
placeholder string Placeholder of field No
min interger Min number of caracters No
max interger Max number of caracters No
rows interger Number rows for field textarea No
cols interger Number cols for field textarea No
options array List options for field type select options: [ { value: 1, title: 'option 1' }, { value: 2, title: 'option 2' } ] Yes
items array List item for field type radio items: [ { id: 'radio1', value: 1, title: 'radio 1' }, { id: 'radio2', value: 2, title: 'radio 2' } ] Yes
step integer Step value for field type range Yes
multiple boolean Enable or disable multiple option for fields type: autocomplete, file No
loadItemes array List item for field type autocomplete items: [ { id: 1, title: "item 1" }, { id: 2, title: "item 2" }, { id: 3, title: "item 3" }, { id: 4, title: "item 4" } ] Yes
showPreview boolean Show preview of image field No
disabled boolean Disabled field No
readonly boolean Make field just for reading No
rules array List of core or custom rules, ex:
validation: ["required", "min:6"]
for more details Validation
messages object List messages for each core or custom rules, ex: messages: { rule: "You custom message" }
for more details Rules
preprocess function Hook to alter current field preprocess: (field, fields, values) => { return field; }
for more details Preprocess